RIIS LOGISTICS A/S has been AEO certified since 15.04.2011.
There are three types of certification. Custom Simplification AEO Certificate, which is issued to companies that meet the requirements for solvency, archiving and compliance with Customs and Tax Standard Procedures (AEOC). Security and Safety AEO Certification is issued to companies that meet specific requirements for safety procedures and documentation (AOES).
If both categories of requirements are met, the company is AEOF certified, which is the case for RIIS LOGISTICS A/S.
Safety and security are becoming increasingly important for various companies. The AEO status is one of the largest security measures worldwide and thereby differentiates RIIS LOGISTICS A/S from competitors in relation to supply chain excellence. This Certification signals that we as a company meet important criteria, such as keeping a record of customs procedures, incorporation of management systems that accommodate customs inspections, and adhere to a specific solvency ratio and detailed information on security level and security measures.
Due to the certification, RIIS LOGISTICS A/S has in black and white that we can be considered a safe and secure partner in the supply chain, and that we do everything in our power to reduce threats to our customers supply chains.
The AEO certificate is a seal of quality, which gives our customers an assurance that the paperwork is in order and that the road is paved for the least possible hassle.
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