Greenlisted waste transport

If you are looking for a company to transport your green listed waste (Annex VII), then RIIS LOGISTICS A / S is ready to help.

We are a service-oriented company that is approved for transport of greenlisted waste in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Poland.

Over the past several years, we have carried out transports of greenlisted waste for our customers, and we would be happy to help your company with solutions and opportunities for your particular transports.

Are you involved in importing or exporting waste? If so, you have the responsibility of ensuring that the rules are complied with. This applies to you, if you import or export waste, if you are producing waste or if you have a treatment plant.

If you need help to classify your waste, you can contact the municipality, who can inform you whether the waste is greenlisted or notifiable, and they can inform you of the codes by which the waste has to be carried.

Greenlisted waste imported or exported between EU countries for recovery does not require a permit, but the waste needs to be accompanied by an “ANNEX VII” while being transported, which is to be found in the Transport Regulation.

Contact us already today to find out more about waste transportation or any other transport solutions we can offer you.